How to Inflate & Tie double stuffed balloons with a helium tank
Balloon Bouquets can be defined as a bunch of balloons that are arranged in a group and used for special occasions. How hard can it be to inflate 8 x 11” balloons and create a Balloon Bouquet? Well surprisingly there are quite a few tips and tricks to help you get a finished product, quickly and without fuss that any balloon stylist would be proud of!
Here we have created a tutorial demonstrating how to inflate and assemble Balloon Bouquet Packs with added details in each of the steps below.
Step1: Gather everything you need – Before you start inflating your balloons ensure you have everything you need on hand; high quality balloons such as Balloon Bouquet Pack, 8 pieces of string cut to equal length and a balloon weight. Having all this prepared and within hands reach will ensure that balloons won’t float away once inflated.

Step2: Turn on your helium – We recommend using helium to create a beautiful balloon bouquet. Whether you have rented or purchased your helium tank, follow the instructions provided and get ready to inflate your balloons to size. For more on helium, float times check out our FAQs on our Balloon Bouquet shopping page.
Step #3 Inflate to the correct size – Getting each balloon the same size and the correct size is key to a beautiful balloon bouquet. Professionals use a balloon sizing template to ensure each balloon is exactly the same size however if you are going by eye you are looking for a round appearance. Balloons shaped like light bulbs or pear-shaped balloons are overfilled or of low quality.

Step #4 Tie off each balloon – Make sure each balloon knot is tight and secure, this helps with sealing in the helium. Illume’s Balloon Bouquets and Balloon Garland DIY kits include double stuffed balloons to create unique colour combinations and to perfectly match our partyware. To tie double stuffed balloons (once inflated) simply pull out the inside balloon and tie a knot.

Step #5 Attach the string – use string or non-metallic ribbon on latex balloons (metallic ribbon can cut the latex). Tie the string above the knot and secure tightly. Do this as you finish inflating each balloon so they do not float away.

Step #6 Arrange your Balloon Bouquet – To achieve the look we created in this video tutorial we gathered up all the balloons and then shortened or lengthened each string until it was balanced (a bit like flower arranging). We find it easier to do this in front of a mirror and then tying all the strings one by one to the balloon weight.

Step #7 Tie to balloon weight – As mentioned in Step #6, we prefer to tie all the 8 strings one by one. Alternatively you can tie them together to your balloon weight and arrange as you go.

There you have it! A beautiful balloon bouquet in approximately 10 minutes ready for your party. For more balloon information and inspiration visit our balloon styling blog posts.